Saturday 30 August 2008

Eating Vegetables, Fruits Protects from Diseases

Up till now, many people are yet to agree with the fact that too much of certain foods can cause serious ill health or trigger the development of certain diseases including cancer. For instance, many nutritionists and health expert have cautioned people to be careful in the way and manner they consume red meat, some vegetable oils as well as cholesterol rich diets. For example, cardiologists like Dr. Adewole Adebiyi recently added his voice to the fact that there should be moderation in red meat intake because too much of red meat can cause health problems.He however advised people to consider fish consumption.

Not only that, other nutrition experts and dieticians like Professors Atinmo, Akinyele and Keshiro as well as dietician Tunde Ajobo have at different fora counselled people to give more attention to the consumption of fruits and vegetable and lay less emphasis on refined foods.

Even a professor of environmental health in the Faculty of public health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, M. K. C. Sridahr have warned people to reduce their consumption of roasted foods, adding that these foods contain Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) which could predisposes the body to cancer, including stomach and colon cancer.

As if it were not enough, recent warnings from scientists say the rate at which cancers are affecting people is becoming alarming.They blamed individuals for contributing to the development of different kinds of cancer. Scientists even said that the dietary life style of people especially in developing nations of the world is the major contributory factor. However, numerous studies indicate that diet can be a very effective tool in the fight against cancer and blood pressure.

For instance, one of the most convincing associations between diet and blood pressure was found in the Dietary Approaches to Stop hypertension (DASH) study. This trial examined the effect on blood pressure of a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. This restricted the amount of saturated and total fat. The researchers also found that there is a compelling evidence that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables like water melon, ginger, garlic and onion as well as regular consumption of soya bean products and chill pepper could be involved in the protective measures against prostate tumour, breast cancer as well as protect against heart disease.

For instance, Spinach which is common in the market, but which many people often overlook is known as the “gold standard” of green leafy vegetables, and it is packed with lutein and vitamin E which help women having fertility problems. Not only that, both lutein and vitamin E are powerful anti-oxidants and spinach also help ward off cancer of the liver, ovary, colon and prostate.

For women who wants to block breast and protect themselves against lung cancer, they should realise the fact that regular eating of pineapple will achieve this. Scientists say pineapple is a good source of the anti-oxident vitamin C. In addition, Dr. Nurudeen Animasaun butressed this assertion, explaining that pineapple unknown to many people also contain the enzyme called bromelain which can protect against breast cancer.

And for those who takes delight in eating water melon, scientists as well as Dr. Animakun encourages them to continue to take water melon because it provides vitamins, minerals and enzymes important for the functioning of the heart and good health. It also contain cancer – fighting abilities. In fact, water melon belongs to the group of vegetables often referred to as an essential member in a heart- healthy diet”, he further stated.

It is also of interest to know that certain fruits and vegetable have the power or ability to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. For example, the largest and longest study to date, done as part of the Havard-based Nurses’ Health Study and Health professionals follow-up Study which included almost 110,000 men and women whose health and dietary habits were followed for 14 years revealed a significant and remarkable result in the benefit of regular eating of certain fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stroke over medication.

Although all fruits and vegetables are likely to contribute to this benefit, certain green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and mustard greens, possesses this attribute the most. Also, cruciferous vegetable vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage as well as citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grape-fruits make important and distinguished contribution in preventing cardiovascular disease.

“The higher the average daily intake of these fruits and vegetables, the lower the chances of developing cardiovascular desease. Those who averaged 8 or more serving a day were 30 per cent less likely to have had a heart attack or stroke”, the report stated.

via: Food Herbal ...................................................

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