Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Can essential oils help reverse hair loss?

It’s considered normal to lose 100 strands of hair daily. More than that, and you’re experiencing hair loss, or alopecia. It’s not just a male issue-22 percent of women have this problem, too. Aromatic scalp treatments made with essential oils can help: The oils nourish the deep dermal layers of the skin- where hair follicles are located-and stimulate tiny blood vessels.
To create your own treatment, mix five drops each (20 drops total) of lavender, Atlas cedarwood, thyme, and rosemary in one ounce of jojoba, grapeseed, borage, or evening primrose oil. A Scottish study in 1999 found that 44 percent of people who massaged their scalp with these four essential oils every night showed hair growth, compared with just 15 percent of those using only plain oil.....

Full Article: Can essential oils help reverse hair loss? ...................................................

1 comment:

Zdena said...

Sulfur is the single and most important mineral for maintaining the strength and integrity of the hair and hair follicle. You can use several essential oils like Lemon, Lavender, Clary sage, Sage, Cedarwood, Basil, Sandalwood, Juniper, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, and Cypress. For more information about essential oils visit Young Living Essential Oils 4 U and Essential Oils Miniguide