Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Power of Pomegranate Seeds

PomegranateA symbol of fertility and health in ancient times, the pomegranate is becoming today’s symbol of a glowing complexion. Thanks to a wealth of natural oils, sun-protective compounds, and vitamins, researchers are now uncovering this seed-filled fruit’s potential to promote radiant skin, says Anne Marie Fine, N.M.D., a naturopathic physician in Scottsdale, Ariz., who specializes in holistic skin treatment. “Skin is highly susceptible to stress and environmental damage, especially pollution and UV exposure,” explains Fine. (UVA rays penetrate the skin and cause wrinkles, dark spots, and skin cancer; UVB rays cause sunburn.) “Pomegranate is a great antioxidant. It can help prevent hyperpigmentation and wrinkles and promotes elasticity.” And while all antioxidants have some skin cancer-fighting abilities, pomegranate trumps most other sources, including grapes, blueberries, and red wine. “Pomegranate extract has higher antioxidant activity than green tea,” notes Farrukh Afaq, a researcher in the department of dermatology at the University of Wisconsin, who has led several studies demonstrating pomegranate’s anticancer potential.

Full Article: Power of Pomegranate Seeds

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